Blaauwendraad, J.

Plates and FEM Surprises and Pitfalls / [electronic resource] : by J. Blaauwendraad. - XXVI, 413p. online resource. - Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 171 0925-0042 ; .

Theory of Plates -- Plate Membrane Theory -- Applications of the Plate Membrane Theory -- Thick Plates in Bending and Shear -- Thin Plates in Bending -- Rectangular Plate Examples -- Circular Membrane Plates -- Circular Thin Plates in Bending -- Didactical Discrete Models -- Discrete Model for Membrane Analysis -- Discrete Model for Plate Bending -- FE-Based Design in Daily Practice -- FEM Essentials -- Handling Membrane FEM Results -- Understanding FEM Plate Bending -- FE Analysis for Different Supports -- Handling Peak Moments -- Sense and Nonsense of Mindlin -- Reinforcement Design Using Linear Analysis -- Special Slab Systems -- Special Topics and Trends -- Case History of Cable-Stayed Wide-Box Bridge -- Shape Orthotropy -- Shape-Orthotropic Membrane Rigidities -- Orthotropic Plates in Bending and Shear.

This textbook aims to be the bridge between plate theory and FE-software. Structural engineers must translate elastic analysis results into economic structure dimensions and reinforcement, which raises difficulties. Not all engineers are well enough equipped for the increasingly easy-to-use powerful programs. The problem is not lack of FE-knowledge, but rather ignorance of plate behaviour. Therefore, this book starts with classical plate theory for membrane and bending states, and proceeds to FE-practice. This volume can be used for university courses, serving as practical preparation for the engineering profession, and as a guide to structural designers.


Mechanical engineering.
Building construction.
Structural Mechanics.
Building Construction, HVAC, Refrigeration.
Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials.
Engineering, general.
Computational Intelligence.


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