Granieri, Massimiliano.

Innovation Law and Policy in the European Union Towards Horizon 2020 / [electronic resource] : by Massimiliano Granieri, Andrea Renda. - XI, 199 p. online resource. - Sxi — Springer for Innovation / Sxi — Springer per l’Innovazione, 2239-2688 .

Introduction: the new meanings of innovation -- Innovation in Europe: taking stock -- Key policies -- Tomorrow's innovation policy.

The book provides a critical overview of innovation policy in Europe and a synopsis of the current institutional framework of Europe shaped after the Europe2020 strategy and in view of the upcoming Horizon2020 agenda. What emerges is a rather gloomy outlook for the future of Europe's innovation, unless EU institutions and Member States will decide to streamline existing policies and build a "layered" model of innovation, in which governments act as investors in key enabling infrastructure such as ICT and education; as enablers of large technology markets where researchers and entrepreneurs can meet; and as purchasers of innovation when key societal challenges are at stake. The book contains proposals for the future innovation strategy of the EU and a specific analysis of areas such as the unitary patent, the transfer of technology (particularly as far as climate-related technologies and IP markets are concerned), standardization, and the digital agenda. 


Social policy.
Social sciences.
Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law.
Social Policy.
Social Sciences, general.

K7000-7720.22 K7073-7078

340.9 340.2

English |