Raffa, Robert B.

Chemo Fog Cancer Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment / [electronic resource] : edited by Robert B. Raffa, Ronald J. Tallarida. - XXI, 216 p. online resource. - Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 678 0065-2598 ; .

Short Introduction and History -- Patient’s Perspective -- Oncology Nurse’s Perspective -- Oncology Pharmacist’s Perspective -- The Impact of Chemo Brain on the Patient with a High-Grade Glioma -- Neurocognitive Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment -- The Economic Burden -- Designing Conceptual Model-Based Research in Chemotherapy-Related Changes in Cognitive Function -- Neuropsychologic Testing for Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment -- Imaging as a Means of Studying Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment -- Chemotherapy Associated Central Nervous System Damage -- Is Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy Neurotoxic? Does Chemo Brain Exist? And Should We Rename It? -- Evaluation of Multiple Neurotoxic Outcomes in Cancer Chemotherapy -- Chemotherapy-Related Visual System Toxicity -- The Possible Role of Cytokines in Chemotherapy-Induced Cognitive Deficits -- Pharmacokinetics of Anti-Cancer Drugs Used in Breast Cancer Chemotherapy -- Combination Analysis -- Animal Models -- Chemo Brain (Chemo Fog) as a Potential Side Effect of Doxorubicin Administration: Role of Cytokine-Induced, Oxidative/Nitrosative Stress in Cognitive Dysfunction -- Effects of 5-FU -- Future Directions.

The editors of this book are professors who are engaged in research on areas that compromise the total healing of body and mind in this patient population. One particular component of the need for survivor care is the memory problems and cognitive deficits experienced by some. The condition has been given a name––actually many names, such as chemo fog, chemo brain, and others. These names reflect the belief that the cause of the problem is the chemotherapy that they received as part of their treatment. In some cases the chemo fog/’chemo brain’ is transient while in others it is of longer duration. Little is known about this problem and that fact peaked our interest and motivated this book. Therefore this book is devoted to one aspect of survivor care: chemo fog/’chemo brain’.


Biomedicine general.
Cancer Research.



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