ComarĂº Pasqualotto, Alessandro.

Aspergillosis: from diagnosis to prevention [electronic resource] / edited by Alessandro ComarĂº Pasqualotto. - XIX, 1027p. online resource.

Differences and Similarities Amongst Pathogenic Aspergillus Species -- Immunology of Aspergillus and Aspergillosis: The Story So Far -- The Importance of Conventional Methods: Microscopy and Culture -- Molecular Methods for Identification of Aspergillus Species -- The Pathology of Aspergillus Infection -- Galactomannan Testing -- ?-D-Glucan Testing -- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based Tests -- Aspergillus Precipitins and Serology -- Specific IgE Testing (RAST) -- Molecular Typing of Aspergillus fumigatus Isolates -- Antifungal Susceptibility Tests of Aspergillus Species -- Antifungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Invasive Aspergillosis -- Azoles -- Echinocandins -- Polyene Antifungal Agents -- 5-Flucytosine -- Terbinafine -- Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Epidemiology of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Pathogenesis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Clinical Manifestations of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Diagnosing Aspergillosis: The Role of Invasive Diagnostic Interventions -- Optimising the Use of Non-invasive Tests: From Blood to Radiology -- Defining Invasive Aspergillosis: What the Revised EORTC/MSG Definitions Have in Store -- Treatment of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Antifungal Prophylaxis in Haematology -- Invasive Aspergillosis in Paediatric Patients -- Invasive Aspergillosis in the Intensive Care Unit: Beyond the Typical Haematological Patient -- Aspergillosis in Surgical Patients -- Invasive Aspergillosis in Chronic Granulomatous Disease -- Aspergillosis in Drug Addicts -- Invasive Aspergillosis and HIV Infection -- Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients -- Chronic Cavitary Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Chronic Cavitary Pulmonary Aspergillosis and Fungal Balls -- Pathogenesis of Chronic Cavitary Pulmonary Aspergillosis: The Importance of the Host Immune System -- Current Surgical Strategies for Chronic Cavitary Pulmonary Aspergillosis -- Allergic Pulmonary Syndromes Associated With Aspergillosis -- Overview of Aspergillus Allergens -- Epidemiology of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis -- ABPA as an Occupational Disease -- Pathogenesis of ABPA -- Clinical Manifestations and Natural History of Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis -- How to Diagnose Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis -- The Treatment of ABPA -- Severe Asthma with Fungal Sensitisation (SAFS) -- Aspergillus Sinusitis -- Aspergillus Sinusitis -- Overlap Syndromes -- Aspergillus Overlap Syndromes -- Other Presentations of Aspergillosis -- Cerebral Aspergillus Infections and Meningitis -- Osteoarticular and Epidural Infections -- Aspergillosis of the Digestive Tract -- Cardiac Aspergillosis -- Aspergillus Thyroiditis -- Aspergillus Endophthalmitis -- Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Aspergillus Species -- Cutaneous and Wound Aspergillosis -- Onychomycosis Due to Aspergillus Species -- Aspergillus Keratitis -- Aspergillus Otitis -- How to Diagnose Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis.

Aspergillosis is an infection or allergic response caused by the fungus Aspergillus. Aspergillus conidia are widely dispersed in the environment and can easily reach human lungs and/or paranasal sinuses: most people inhale Aspergillosis spores every day! The label Aspergillosis is used for several diverse clinical conditions. For instance, invasive Aspergillosis typically affects severely immunocompromised patients such as those with prolonged neutropenia or receiving therapy with steroids. On the other hand, allergic forms of Aspergillosis cause exuberant clinical syndromes that mostly affect patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis. Slowly destructive lung diseases may also occur in the apparently immunocompentent host, especially in the context of previous damage to the lung architecture. These are difficult-to-diagnose infections, and diagnostic tests perform differently depending on the specific scenario. This book summarizes the current knowledge about Aspergillosis, covering: Epidemiology Pathogenesis Clinical manifestations Diagnosis Treatment Prevention Written by internationally respected authors, the information presented in this book adds for a better understanding of Aspergillosis by providing a comprehensive and clear overview of all aspects associated with this complex disease.


Internal medicine.
Emerging infectious diseases.
Biomedicine general.
Infectious Diseases.
Internal Medicine.
Pneumology/Respiratory System.