Olver, Ian N.

The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship [electronic resource] / edited by Ian N. Olver. - XV, 420p. 73 illus., 56 illus. in color. online resource.

Nature of cancer symptoms and presentations of cancers -- General Symptoms -- Pain -- Non-specific symptoms (weakness and fatigue, tumour fever, sweats and flushing) -- Palliative care – End of life symptoms (terminal restlessness, confusion, delirium) -- Support of elderly cancer patient -- Cardiotoxicity of therapy (anthracyclines, 5 fluorouracil, trastuzumab etc -- Cardiac and Pericardial symptoms (including pericardial effusion) -- Superior vena caval and inferior vena caval obstruction -- Pulmonary toxicity of therapy (including pneumonitis and fibrosis) -- Respiratory Symptoms of cancer (Hoarseness, dyspnoea, cough, haemoptpysis, pleural effusion) -- Endocrine and metabolic symptoms of cancer and its treatment (Tumour lysis, hypercalcemia, hypernatremia, hypomagnaesemia, SIADH and hyponatremia, Cushing’s syndrome, hypoglycemia) -- Sexual problems (Image, impotence, etc.) -- Sterility, Infertility and Teratognicity -- Menopausal Symptoms -- Myelosuppression (anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia) and infections -- Polycythaemia -- Thrombosis and Bleeding -- Lymphedema -- Anorexia and cachexia -- Xerostomia and dental problems -- Dysphagia, reflux and Hiccups -- Nausea and Vomiting -- Mucositis (oral and gastrointestinal) -- Bowel Obstruction, Constipation and Diarrhea -- Ascites -- Hepatotoxicity and hepatic dysfunction -- Urological side effects of treatment (cystitis, renal impairment) -- Urinary Obstruction -- Gynecological symptoms -- Central Nervous System Symptoms (Headache, seizures, encephalopathy, memory impairment) -- Neurological and muscular Symptoms in the periphery (peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord compression, muscular symptoms) -- Eye Symptoms and toxicity -- Extravasation -- Dermatological effects (Hypersensitivity, Rash, Pruritus, Nail Changes, Hand Foot Syndrome, pressure areas ) -- Alopecia -- Anxiety and depression -- Rehabilitation of the cancer patient -- Physical Symptoms (late effects chemo and radiotherapy, second cancers -- Psychosocial and spiritual Issues.

Addressing physical and psychosocial matters of survivorship prior to, during, and after anticancer treatment is central to a patient’s wellbeing. The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship explores not only the diagnosis and treatment but also the increasingly recognized complex and ongoing symptoms experienced by long term cancer survivors. Significant advances have been made, designing strategies to manage the side effects and symptoms of treatment and to prevent them from occurring, maximizing the person’s ability to pursue daily activities. The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship assembles international, multidisciplinary experts who focus on a comprehensive range of symptoms and side effects associated with cancer and its treatment. Intended for health professionals involved with cancer care, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, general practitioners, nurses and allied health workers, this textbook provides current information on the management and prevention of cancer related side effects, referring to up-to-date sources that are useful for conducting further research.


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