Trüeb, Ralph M.

Aging Hair [electronic resource] / edited by Ralph M. Trüeb, Desmond J. Tobin. - XVI, 270p. 85 illus., 73 illus. in color. online resource.

Gerontobiology of the Hair Follicle -- Molecular Basis of Androgenetic Alopecia -- Inflammatory Phenomena and Fibrosis in Androgenetic Alopecia -- Post-Menopausal Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia -- Female Pattern Hair Loss -- Hair Growth Parameters in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women -- Comparative Histopathology of Androgenetic Alopecia, Diffuse Alopecia, and Senescent Alopecia -- Comparative Gene Expression Profiling of Senescent and Androgenetic Alopecia Using Microarray Analysis -- The Aging Hair Pigmentary Unit -- Oxidative Stress Associated Melanocyte-Loss and Hair Growth Capacity in the Aging Hair Follicle: A Model for Tissue-Specific Aging -- Human Hair Follicle Melanocytes as a Proxy Cell Type in Neurodegeneration Research -- Effect of UV Radiation on Scalp and Hair Growth -- Hair Photoaging -- Effect of Tobacco Smoking on Hair -- Age-Related General Problems Affecting the Condition of Hair -- Aging of Scalp and Age-Related Disorders of Scalp -- Care of Aging Hair and Photoprotection -- Possibilities and Limitations for Reversal of Age-Related Hair Loss -- Possibilities and Limitations for Reversal of Age-Related Pigment Loss -- Evidence-Based Hair Transplantation -- Future Directions: Gene Polymorphism Diagnostics Relevant to Hair -- Future Directions: The Known and Unknown Roles of Hair-Follicle Stem Cell Types -- Future Directions: Bioengineering the Hair Follicle -- Hair After Death.

The scalp and hair are subject to both intrinsic or physiologic aging and extrinsic or premature aging caused by external factors. This comprehensive and reader-friendly book offers an up-to-date overview on all aspects of hair aging, including in particular the two main streams of interest: the aesthetic problem, which relates to everything that happens outside the skin, and the biologic problem, which concerns the "secret life" of the hair follicle in the depth of the skin. Internationally recognized experts provide detailed contributions on the biologic basis of hair aging and current concepts for its diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The intrinsic and extrinsic modulating factors for hair growth and pigmentation are explained and future directions for therapeutic intervention are examined. In summary, this unique book offers valuable insights into hair aging and guidance on its treatment; it will prove invaluable both to dermatologists and to other interested physicians and basic scientists.


Family medicine.
Quality of Life.
Quality of Life--Research.
Medicine & Public Health.
General Practice / Family Medicine.
Quality of Life Research.



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