Grunwald, Iris Q.

How to set up an Acute Stroke Service [electronic resource] / by Iris Q. Grunwald, Klaus Fassbender, Ajay K. Wakhloo. - XXII, 198p. 236 illus., 163 illus. in color. online resource.

Part I: Understanding your goals: The Why-What and Who: What is Stroke?- Guidelines, Regulations-Sources of supporting information -- Who can support this project -- Simplified steps of the stroke pathway -- Defining your priorities.-. Walking the steps and defining your own pathway and goals on the way -- Bringing your goals into shape -- Examples of treatment pathways -- Specific pathways in special cases -- Modern Concepts Part II: Planning: Strategic/Business Management -- Who manages your Project -- Project management plan -- Establishing whom and what you need in the stroke pathway -- stablishing your resources (equipment, staff, space) -- Budget and time frame -- Risk assessment and Management. Part III: The Team : Setting up a project team Part IV: Getting started: Work packages -- Examples for Work Groups. Part V: Evaluation: Monitoring Project Performance -- Evaluating your work by monitoring times and outcomes -- Dissemination -- Redefining your goals (e.g. expand service) -- Closing remarks.

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability throughout the world. Intravenous lytics and endovascular stroke treatment were demonstrated to be highly beneficial in clinical trials and in achieving net cost savings. However, time is of the essence in the management of stroke as for every minute that stroke is left untreated, an estimated 1.9 million neurons are destroyed. An optimized stroke pathway can dramatically impact patient outcome. Every medical service will differ. This book offers a concise and practical guide on how to set up and efficiently run an acute stroke service tailored to the needs of the individual center as a provider of primary, secondary, or tertiary care. It documents the essential knowledge on current imaging and treatment options and offers guidance in organizing a site-specific stroke pathway that will ensure the quickest possible provision of treatment, thereby optimizing benefit to the patient and maximizing cost-effectiveness. The authors played an integral part in the development and operation of one of Europe’s most successful early stroke centers and also have experience of the factors that can undermine the creation of world-class stroke units. On this basis, they address the key aspects of the stroke pathway and explain how organizing this can reduce the number of severe outcomes by ensuring that appropriate steps are taken during the early moments after stroke when intervention can make a profound difference. The challenging, multidisciplinary nature of care is emphasized, and this handbook will be an invaluable source for every member of the stroke team, including doctors, nurses, stroke coordinators, emergency and rehabilitation providers as well as hospital administrators.


Emergency medicine.
Critical care medicine.
Internal medicine.
Medicine & Public Health.
Intensive / Critical Care Medicine.
Primary Care Medicine.
Emergency Medicine.
Internal Medicine.



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