Alias, Nor Aziah.

ICT Development for Social and Rural Connectedness [electronic resource] / by Nor Aziah Alias. - IX, 46 p. 15 illus. online resource. - SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2191-8112 .

Preface -- Chapter 1: An overview of connectedness -- Chapter 2: ICTD and Rural Connectedness -- Chapter 3: A case of Rural Connectedness: The Malaysian Rural Internet Center (RICs) Users’ Experience -- Afterword.

ICT Development for Social and Rural Connectedness provides an introduction to the concept of 'connectedness', and explores how this socio-psychological term has evolved during the age of the Internet. The book surveys the principles of ICT for development (ICTD), and closely examines how ICT has played a pivotal role in the rural community development of various countries. To highlight the continued benefits of ICT in these regions, the book presents an in-depth case study that analyzes the connectedness within the rural internet centers of Malaysia. The book is intended primarily for researchers and practitioners as a reference guide to ICTD in rural environments.


Computer science.
Information systems.
Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet).
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing.



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