Gupta, Manoj.

Indian Ocean Region Maritime Regimes for Regional Cooperation / [electronic resource] : by Manoj Gupta. - XXIV, 400 p. online resource. - The Political Economy of the Asia Pacific, 1866-6507 .

Introduction: Power of the Oceans Across Regions -- Researching the Indian Ocean Region -- Ocean Governance, Regional Cooperation and Regime Theory -- The New Regime for Ocean Governance -- Indian Ocean Region -- Regime Theory and Application of Structuration Theory -- Methodological Considerations for Case Study Analysis -- Indian Ocean Rim Power to Govern the Sea -- Regime for Marine Scientific Research in the Indian Ocean Region -- Intra-Indian Ocean Trade -- Shipping and Port State Control in the Indian Ocean -- Conclusion: Power of the Sea from Coast to Coast -- Prospects for Regional Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region.

The Indian Ocean region is arguably one of the world’s least understood, yet its importance in geopolitics and international relations is greater than ever before. This book explores the concepts of regime theory, regional orders and ocean governance to critically assess the effectiveness of maritime regimes, something that not been attempted before for the Indian Ocean Region. This study employs the theoretical framework of international regimes in the context of ocean governance by developing a new model, which is used to test the regimes’ effectiveness. This book addresses the analytical gap in our understanding about the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean as a region in contemporary world geopolitics and international relations. Case studies display the groundwork for regional cooperation in the maritime realm laid by Indian Ocean countries, and the effectiveness of current political leadership is addressed. There is considerable value in looking at the Indian Ocean as a region for future analysis of maritime regimes, and this book proposes that international maritime regimes can expand regional cooperation in the Indian Ocean to create a new geopolitical region. The interdisciplinary approach presented draws on historical analysis, international maritime law, political science, international relations and the literature on regime theory and will be of interest to academics in those fields as well as policy-makers concerned with maritime issues. This book is original in many ways and makes a significant contribution to the knowledge on the Indian Ocean. The book is well researched and documented with a very creative approach in regimes to ocean governance and regional cooperation in international relations. This book is particularly eloquent and helpful in developing an understanding of maritime regimes in the Indian Ocean. The book offers a refreshing and original approach to overcoming the difficulties of developing Indian Ocean cooperation. Professor Dr. Hasjim Djalal This book presents a thoughtful and careful analysis of regional Indian Ocean issues, based on extensive and difficult research. It helps readers understand what has been accomplished in the region, but also what remains to be done. The author provides a road map for the countries of this region to follow and challenges them to work together more effectively in the future. Professor Jon Van Dyke


Social sciences.
Economic policy.
International economics.
Social Sciences.
Political Science, general.
Economic Policy.
International Economics.



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