Sputtek, Rebekka.

Opening the Black Box The Role of Personality and Anger in Executives’ Decision Making and Leadership / [electronic resource] : by Rebekka Sputtek. - XII, 128p. 5 illus. online resource.

Rebekka Sputtek sheds light upon the question of how the personality and emotional traits of executives influence their decision making and leadership behavior. While recent strategic management research has started to recognize the relevance of an executive's personality traits as antecedents of organizational outcomes, this stream has called for a more fine-grained clarification of the psychological processes underlying executive decision making. In order to contribute to the understanding of these processes, a holistic model integrating the role of an expedient set of personality variables and anger in executive’s decision making comprehensiveness as well as authenticity of transformational leadership is developed.


Economics/Management Science.
Business Strategy/Leadership.



English |