Dischler, Bernhard.

Handbook of Spectral Lines in Diamond Volume 1: Tables and Interpretations / [electronic resource] : by Bernhard Dischler. - XI, 467 p. online resource.

Introduction -- Spectral Lines in Natural Diamond -- Spectral Lines in High Pressure Synthetic Diamond (HPHT) -- Spectral Lines in Low Pressure Synthetic Diamond (CVD) -- Spectral Lines in Modified Diamond (Irradiation, Heat, etc -- Spectral Lines in Diamond-Related Material: DLC, Lonsdaleite, etc -- Spectral Line Shifts from Substituted and Natural Isotopes --  Intrinsic Defects in Diamond -- Impurity Defects -- Donor-Acceptor Pair Transitions in Diamond -- Phonon Sidebands. Local and Quasilocal Modes -- Modification of Diamond by Irradiation and Heat -- Isotopic Line Shifts in Diamond -- Spectroscopic Discrimination between Natural and Synthetic Diamond -- Conclusions and Outlook.

This handbook is a breakthrough in the understanding of the large number of spectral lines in diamond. Data on more than 2000 lines and bands are presented in 200 tables, including many unpublished results. With a novel organization scheme, the search for a specific line is greatly simplified as a benefit for researchers and students. In order to meet the interest in the understanding of the spectra, structure assignments for 80 % of the lines are given, of which 15 % only were published before. The majority of the structures for the 300 centers is explained in most cases for the first time. A key instrument in the interpretation is the analysis by donor-acceptor pair transitions. In a special chapter 95 such centers are listed and discussed, of which only two have been published before, the first one by the present author in 1994.


Optical materials.
Surfaces (Physics).
Spectroscopy and Microscopy.
Optics, Optoelectronics, Plasmonics and Optical Devices.
Characterization and Evaluation of Materials.
Optical and Electronic Materials.
Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering.

QC450-467 QC718.5.S6


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