Journal of marketing
Journal of marketing
- [New York] American Marketing Association, 1936-
- v. ill. 26 cm.
- v. 1- July 1936-
Subscription required for online access.
ABI/INFORM Oct. 1971- Business periodicals index 0007-6961. Management contents 1974- Accountants' index. Supplement 0748-7975. Book review index 0524-0581. Infobank 1979- Management and marketing abstracts 0308-2172. Predicasts. Psychological abstracts 0033-2887 1938- Women studies abstracts 0049-7835. Biography index 0006-3053.
Apr. issues for 1940-42 include Papers and proceedings of the semi-annual [Dec.] meeting of the American Marketing Association, 1939-41.
Mode of online access: World Wide Web.
Pub. by the American Marketing Society and the National Association of Marketing Teachers, July-Oct. 1936.
Vols. 1-10, July 1936-Apr. 1946, with v. 11 (issued as v. 11, no. 3, pt. 2); Vols. 26-30, Jan. 1962-Oct. 1966. 1 v. 28 cm.
Formed by the union of: American marketing journal and: National marketing review, ISSN 0190-9509.
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