
Analog communication / (Record no. 29853)

fixed length control field 24127cam a22002417a 4500
control field 20140723111746.0
fixed length control field 120920s2012 ii a 001 0 eng d
International Standard Book Number 9780198061854 (pbk.)
International Standard Book Number 0198061854 (pbk.)
041 ## - Language
Language code of text/sound track or separate title eng
Classification number TK5105.5
Item number .C4587 2012
Classification number 621.382
Item number C456
Edition number 22
Personal name Chandra Sekar, V.
9 (RLIN) 28606
Title Analog communication /
Statement of responsibility, etc V. Chandra Sekar.
Place of publication, distribution, etc New Delhi :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Oxford University Press,
Date of publication, distribution, etc 2010.
Extent xvii, 557 p. :
Other physical details ill. ;
Dimensions 24 cm.
General note Includes index.
Formatted contents note Machine generated contents note: 1.Introduction -- 1.1.What is Communication? -- 1.2.Modulation and Its Types -- Need for Modulation -- Frequency Translation -- Types of Modulation -- 1.3.Transmitter -- 1.4.Receiver -- 1.5.Digital Communication System -- 1.6.Multiplexing of Signals -- Frequency Division Multiplexing -- Time Division Multiplexing -- 2.Signals: An Introduction -- 2.1.Basic Concepts -- 2.2.Classification of Signals -- Continuous and Discrete Time Signals -- Periodic and Non-periodic Signals -- Causal and Non-causal Signals -- Even and Odd Signals -- Deterministic and Random Signals -- Real and Complex Signals -- Energy-Type and Power-Type Signals -- 2.3.Typical Signals and their Properties -- Sinusoidal Signal -- Complex Exponential Signal -- Unit-Step Signal -- Rectangular Pulse -- Triangular Signal -- The Sinc Signal -- Sign or Signum Signal -- Impulse or Delta Signal -- Singular Function -- Shifting, Inversion, Scaling, and Convolution of Signal -- 2.4.Classification of Systems -- Discrete Time and Continuous Time Systems -- Linear and Non-linear Systems -- Time Invariant and Time Varying Systems -- Causal and Non-causal Systems -- Instantaneous and Dynamic Systems -- Stable and Unstable Systems -- 2.5.Delta Function and Convolution -- Delta Function -- Convolution -- 2.6.Fourier Series and Transform -- Fourier Series -- Fourier Transform -- 2.7.Laplace Transform -- 2.8.The z-Transform -- 2.9.Signal Energy and Energy Spectral Density -- 2.10.Energy Spectral Density -- 2.11.Essential Bandwidth of a Signal -- 2.12.Energy of Modulated Signal -- 2.13.Signal Power and Power Spectral Density -- Power Spectral Density -- 3.Amplitude Modulation -- 3.1.Baseband Communication -- 3.2.Theory of Amplitude Modulation -- 3.3.Frequency Spectrum of Sinusoidal AM -- 3.4.Amplitude Modulation Index -- 3.5.Average Power for Sinusoidal AM -- 3.6.Modulation by Several Sine Waves -- 3.7.Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier -- 3.8.Single Sideband Systems -- Single Sideband with Carrier -- Single Sideband with Suppressed Carrier -- Single Sideband with Reduced Carrier -- 3.9.Independent Sideband Amplitude Modulation -- 3.10.Comparison of SSB and AM -- 3.11.Single Sideband: Advantages and Disadvantages -- 3.12.Single Sideband Generation -- 3.13.Vestigial Sideband Transmission and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation -- Vestigial Sideband Transmission -- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation -- 3.14.AM Modulators -- Square Law Modulation (Power Law Modulation) -- Switching Modulator -- Transistor Modulators -- Balanced Modulators -- 3.15.SSB Generation -- The Filter Method -- The Phase Shift Method -- The Third Method -- 3.16.Independent Sideband Transmitter -- 3.17.AM Demodulators -- Rectifier Detector -- Envelope Detector -- Detector Distortion -- Diagonal Peak Clipping -- Negative Peak Clipping -- 3.18.SSB Reception -- Coherent Detection -- SSB Reception with Pilot Carrier -- 3.19.Demodulation of VSB Signals -- 3.20.Detection of ISB Signals -- 3.21.Transmitters -- AM Transmitters -- SSB Transmitters -- 3.22.Trapezoidal Patterns -- 3.23.Receivers -- AM Receivers -- SSB Receiver with Pilot Carrier -- Communication Receivers -- Receiver Parameters -- 3.24.Automatic Gain and Volume Control Circuits -- Automatic Gain Control -- Automatic Volume Control -- Squelch Circuit -- 3.25.Comparison and Applications of Various AM Systems -- 3.26.Frequency Translation -- 3.27.Costas Loop -- Carrier Recovery -- Digital Implementation -- Traditional Design Method -- Detailed Description -- Costas Versus Conventional Loop -- Design Considerations for Costas Loop -- Analysis of a Costas Loop for a Typical Received Signal -- 4.Angle Modulation -- 4.1.Introduction -- 4.2.Instantaneous Frequency -- 4.3.FM and PM Signals -- Spectrum of an FM Signal -- Concept of Angle Modulation -- 4.4.Modulation Index -- Deviation Sensitivity -- Frequency Deviation -- Percentage Modulation -- 4.5.Bandwidth Requirements for Angle Modulated Waves -- 4.6.Sinusoidal FM: Narrowband and Wideband -- Narrowband FM -- Wideband FM -- 4.7.Spectral Characteristic of a Sinusoidal Modulated FM Signal -- Spectrum of Constant Bandwidth FM -- 4.8.Average Power in Sinusoidal FM -- 4.9.Deviation Ratio for Non-sinusoidal Frequency Modulation -- 4.10.Phase Modulation -- Sinusoidal Phase Modulation -- Digital Phase Modulation -- 4.11.Comparison of FM and PM -- 4.12.FM Generation -- Direct Method -- Indirect Method -- 4.13.Phase Modulators -- Varactor Diode Direct PM Modulators -- PM Modulator: Direct Method with Transistor -- 4.14.FM Detectors -- Bandpass Limiter -- Practical Frequency Demodulators -- Slope Detector -- Balanced Slope Detector -- Foster-Seeley Discriminator -- Ratio Detector -- FM Demodulator Using a PLL -- Practical PLL Circuit -- Quadrature Detectors -- Zero Crossing Detector -- 4.15.FM Transmitters and Receivers -- Direct FM Transmitters -- Indirect FM Transmitters -- FM Stereo Broadcasting -- FM in TV Broadcasting -- FM Receivers -- Single-Chip FM Radio Circuit -- Capture Effect -- 4.16.Phase Locked Loop -- PLL Basics -- PLL Operation -- Lock and Capture Ranges -- Phase Comparator -- Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) -- Loop Filter -- Applications of PLL -- 4.17.PLL Frequency Synthesizer: A Case Study -- 4.18.Comparison of Angle Modulation with Amplitude Modulation -- 5.Pulse Modulation -- 5.1.Introduction -- 5.2.Sampling Theorem -- Occurrence of Aliasing Error -- 5.3.Pulse Amplitude Modulation -- Channel Bandwidth for PAM -- Natural Sampling -- Flat Top Sampling -- Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Time Division Multiplexing -- 5.4.Pulse Width Modulation -- Uses of PWM -- Why PWM Frequency is Important -- 5.5.Pulse Position Modulation -- 5.6.Generation of PAM -- 5.7.Generation of PWM -- 5.8.Generation of PPM -- 5.9.Pulse Code Modulation -- PCM Basics -- 5.10.PCM Transmitter and Receiver -- Quantization -- 5.11.Delta Modulation -- Principle -- Differential Pulse Code Modulation -- Quantization of Signals -- Quantization Error -- 5.12.Noise Consideration in PCM System -- 5.13.FDM and TDM -- 5.14.FDM Transmitter -- FDM Receiver -- 5.15.Analog Carrier System -- 5.16.Time Division Multiplexing -- 5.17.Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing Transmitter -- 5.18.Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing Receiver -- 5.19.TDM Digital Carrier System -- 6.Noise -- 6.1.Introduction -- 6.2.External Noise -- Atmospheric Noise -- Extraterrestrial Noise -- Industrial Noise (Man-made Noise) -- 6.3.Internal Noise -- Thermal Noise (Johnson Noise) -- Noise Voltage -- Equivalent Sources of Thermal Noise -- Noise Voltage for Resistors Connected in Series -- Resistors in Parallel -- Thermal Noise Power in a Reactance Circuit -- Spectral Densities -- Power Spectral Response -- Noise Equivalent Bandwidth -- Shot Noise -- Partition Noise -- Flicker Noise -- Burst Noise -- Transit Time Noise -- Avalanche Noise -- Transistor Noise -- 6.4.Signal-to-Noise Ratio -- Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a Cascaded System -- 6.5.Noise figure -- Input Noise of Amplifier in Terms of F -- Noise Factor of Amplifiers in Cascade -- 6.6.Noise Temperature -- 6.7.Measurement of Noise Factor and Noise Temperature -- 6.8.Noise in a Bandpass System -- 6.9.Noise in AM Systems -- Signal-to-Noise Ratio for SSB -- Single Sideband Companding -- 6.10.Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation -- 6.11.Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis Circuits -- 6.12.Threshold Effect in Angle Modulation -- 7.Introduction to Digital Communication -- 7.1.Introduction -- 7.2.Digital Amplitude Modulation -- 7.3.I/Q Modulation -- Concept of I and Q Channels -- Application of I/Q Modulation -- Need for Using I and Q -- 7.4.Some Important Terms -- Information Capacity, Bits, and Bit Rate -- M-ary Encoding -- Baud and Minimum Bandwidth -- 7.5.Frequency Shift Keying -- FSK Baud and Bandwidth -- 7.6.Phase Shift Keying -- Binary Phase Shift Keying -- M-ary Phase Shift Keying -- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying -- PSK Modulation -- Modulation Index of a QPSK Signal -- Offset QPSK -- 7.7.Minimum Shift Keying -- 7.8.Quadrature Amplitude Modulation -- Types of QAM -- 7.9.Bandwidth Efficiency -- Comparison of Modulation Methods -- Effects of Going through the Origin -- 7.10.Digital Modulation Types -- I/Q Offset Modulation -- Differential Modulation -- Constant-Amplitude Modulation -- 7.11.Spectral Efficiency Versus Power Consumption -- 7.12.Digital Transmitters and Receivers -- Digital Receiver -- 8.Information Theory -- 8.1.Introduction -- 8.2.Measure of Information -- 8.3.Joint and Conditional Entropy -- Joint Entropy -- Conditional Entropy -- Entropy Rate -- Mutual Information -- 8.4.Differential Entropy -- Information Rate -- 8.5.Shannon-Fano Coding -- 8.6.The Huffman Source Coding Algorithm -- Huffman Coding Algorithm -- 8.7.Capacity of Gaussian Channel -- Bandwidth S/N Trade-off -- 9.Introduction to Probability, Random Variable, and Gaussian Process -- 9.1.Introduction to Probability -- The Classical Approach -- The Relative Frequency Approach -- The Axiomatic Approach -- 9.2.Elementary Set Theory -- 9.3.The Axiomatic Approach -- Implications of the Axioms of Probability -- 9.4.Conditional Probability -- Total Probability Theorem: Discrete Version -- Bayes' Theorem -- Independence -- 9.5.Random Variable -- Discrete Random Variable -- Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) -- Types of Random Variables -- Functions of Random Variables -- Statistical Averages -- Multiple Random Variables -- Multiple Functions of Multiple Random Variables -- Sums of Random Variables -- Jointly Gaussian Random Variables -- 9.6.Gaussian Process -- Central Limit Theorem -- Properties of Gaussian Process -- 10.Transmission Lines -- 10.1.Introduction -- 10.2.Types of Transmission Lines -- Parallel Wires -- Coaxial Cables -- Waveguides -- Optical Fibres -- 10.3.Equivalent Circuit of a Transmission Line -- 10.4.Primary Constants of Transmission Line -- 10.5.Transmission Line -- An Analysis -- 10.6.Transmission Line -- General Solution --
Formatted contents note Note continued: 10.7.Physical Significance of the Equations -- The Infinite Line -- Line Terminated in Its Characteristic Impedance -- Line of Infinite Length -- 10.8.Wavelength and Velocity of Propagation -- 10.9.Waveform Distortion -- 10.10.Distortionless Line -- 10.11.Loading Coil -- 10.12.The Telephone Cable -- 10.13.Reflection on a Line -- 10.14.Reflection Coefficient -- 10.15.Reflection Factor and Reflection Loss -- 10.16.Input and Transfer Impedance -- 10.17.Transmission Line at Radio Frequencies -- Line of Zero Dissipation -- Constraints -- Voltages and Currents on the Dissipationless Line -- Open Circuited Line -- Short Circuit Line -- Line Terminated in its Characteristic Impedance -- Line is Terminated in a Resistance Zr = 3r° -- Line is Terminated in a Resistance Zr = R°/3 -- 10.18.Standing Waves -- 10.19.Input Impedance of Dissipationless Line -- Input Impedance of Open Circuit Lines -- Input Impedance of a Short Circuit Line -- The Eighth Wave Line -- The Quarter Wave Line -- The Half Wave Line -- 10.20.Directional Coupler -- 10.21.Slotted Line Measurement at Radio Frequencies -- 10.22.Telephone Lines -- 10.23.Cables -- 10.24.Other Forms of Transmission Lines -- Microstrip Line -- Stripline -- Slot Line -- 10.25.Smith Chart -- 11.Waveguides -- 11.1.Introduction -- 11.2.Types of Waveguide -- 11.3.Theory of Propagation in a Waveguide -- Modes in Rectangular Waveguides -- Modes in Circular Waveguides -- 11.4.Mathematical Analysis of Waveguides -- 11.5.Field Patterns of Some Prominent Modes -- TE (Transverse Electric) Mode -- TM (Transverse Magnetic) Mode -- 11.6.Circular Waveguide -- 11.7.Phase Velocity and Group Velocity -- 11.8.Waveguide Propagation Constant -- 11.9.Attenuation in Waveguides -- 11.10.Waveguide Formation -- 11.11.Waveguide Impedance -- 11.12.Waveguide Impedance Matching -- Waveguide Impedance Matching Using Gradual Changes -- Impedance Matching Using a Waveguide Iris -- Impedance Matching Using a Waveguide Post or Screw -- 11.13.Flexible Waveguide Construction -- 11.14.Limitations of Flexible Waveguide -- 11.15.Waveguide Flanges, Couplers, and Transitions -- 11.16.Waveguide Junction -- H-type Waveguide Junction -- E-type Waveguide Junction -- Magic T Hybrid Waveguide Junction -- Hybrid Ring Waveguide Junction -- 11.17.Waveguide Directional Coupler -- 11.18.Waveguide Bends -- Waveguide E-bend -- Waveguide H-bend -- Waveguide Sharp E-bend -- Waveguide Sharp H-bend -- 12.Antennas -- 12.1.Introduction -- 12.2.Antenna Types -- Omnidirectional Antenna -- Half-wave Dipole Antenna -- Quarter-wave Antenna -- Directional Antenna -- Yagi Antenna -- Cubical Quad -- Bi-quad Antenna -- Hybrid Antenna -- Sectorized Antenna -- 12.3.Antenna Characteristics -- Antenna Gain -- Antenna Impedance -- Radiation Resistance -- Antenna Efficiency -- Effective Isotropic Radiated Power -- Antenna Effective Length -- Antenna Reciprocity -- 12.4.Terminology and Definition -- Input Impedance -- Return Loss -- Bandwidth -- Directivity and Gain -- Energy -- Radiation Pattern -- Beam Width -- Side-lobes -- Nulls -- Polarization -- Polarization Mismatch -- Front-to-back Ratio -- Side-to-side and Back-to-back Coupling -- Antenna Equivalent Circuit -- 12.5.Antenna Loading -- Inductance Loading -- Top Loading -- 12.6.Antenna Arrays -- 12.7.Antenna Arrays -- Types -- Broadside Array -- End-fire Array -- Non-resonant Array, the Rhombic Antenna -- Binomial Array -- 12.8.Special Purpose Antennas -- Log Periodic Antenna -- Loop Antenna -- Phased Array -- Antennas -- 12.9.VHF and UHF Antennas -- Helical Antenna -- Turnstile Antenna -- Discone Antenna -- Notch Antenna -- Microwave Antennas -- Horn Antenna -- Parabolic Reflector -- Lens Antenna -- 12.10.Types of Lens Antennas -- Metal Plate Lens -- Dielectric Lens -- Microstrip or Patch Antennas -- 12.11.Antenna Measurements -- Radiation Pattern Measurement -- Directivity Measurements -- Gain Measurements -- Polarization Measurements -- 12.12.Far Field Measurements -- 13.Microwave Communication -- 13.1.Introduction -- 13.2.Types -- Frequency Modulated Radio System -- Transmitter -- Receiver -- Microwave Radio Repeaters -- 13.3.Diversity -- 13.4.Classes of Diversity -- Space Diversity -- Time Diversity -- Frequency Diversity -- Hybrid Diversity -- Polarization Diversity -- Quad Diversity -- Multiuser Diversity -- Cooperative Diversity -- 13.5.Switching Arrangement -- Diversity System -- Hot Standby System -- 13.6.Reliability -- 13.7.Microwave Radio Stations -- Terminal Station -- Repeater Section -- 13.8.Propagation Paths -- 13.9.Fading -- 13.10.System Gain -- 13.11.Free Space Path Loss -- 13.12.Fade Margin -- 13.13.Receiver Threshold -- 13.14.Carrier-to-Noise Versus Signal-to-Noise Ratio -- 13.15.Noise Factor and Noise Figure -- Input Noise of Amplifier in Terms of F -- Noise Factor of Amplifier in Cascade -- Noise Temperature -- 13.16.Microwave Power Transmission -- Solar Power Satellite -- Microwave Radio Relay -- Planning -- 13.17.Over-Horizon Microwave Radio Relay -- Microwave Radio Relay Systems -- History -- Microwave Link -- 13.18.Tunable Microwave Device -- 13.19.Digital Microwave Radio -- A Case Study -- Introduction -- Description -- System Description -- 13.20.Wireless Sensor Network -- Wireless Sensor Node Architecture -- Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture -- Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks -- Typical Wireless Sensor Network -- 14.Fibre Optic Communication -- 14.1.Introduction -- History -- Advantages and Disadvantages -- 14.2.Electromagnetic Spectrum -- 14.3.Types of Optical Fibres -- 14.4.Propagation of Light Through Optical Fibre -- 14.5.Single Mode Fibre -- Single Mode Step Index Fibre -- 14.6.Multimode Fibre -- Multimode Step Index Fibre -- Multimode Graded Index Fibre -- 14.7.Losses Within an Optical Fibre -- Attenuation Loss -- Absorption Loss -- Radiation Loss -- Dispersion Loss -- Rayleigh Scattering Loss -- Modal Dispersion Loss -- Coupling Losses -- 14.8.Fibre Optic Transmission System -- Fibre Optic Cable -- Light Sources -- Types of Fibre Optic Transmitters -- Optical Detectors -- Optical Repeater -- 14.9.Optical Point-to-point Communication System -- Single Channel System -- Amplified Single Channel System -- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Systems -- 15.Satellite Communication -- 15.1.Introduction -- 15.2.Basic Satellite Transponder -- 15.3.Kepler's Laws -- Kepler's First Law -- Kepler's Second Law -- Kepler's Third Law -- 15.4.Satellite Orbits -- Low Earth Orbit Satellite -- Medium Earth Orbit Satellite -- 15.5.Satellite Orbital Patterns -- Inclined Orbits -- Equatorial Orbit -- Polar Orbits -- 15.6.Geostationary Satellites -- Geostationary Altitude, Velocity, Round Trip Time Delay -- Geosynchronous Satellite -- Advantages and Disadvantages -- 15.7.Power Systems -- 15.8.Altitude Control -- Spin Stabilized -- Spun/de-spun Stabilization Method -- Three-axis Stabilized Method -- 15.9.Altitude Control Components -- Sensors -- Actuators -- 15.10.Satellite System Parameters -- 15.11.Equivalent Noise Temperature -- Carrier-to-Noise Density Ratio -- Energy of Bit-to-Noise Density Ratio -- 15.12.Satellite System Link Models -- Uplink -- Satellite Transponder -- Downlink Model -- 15.13.Satellite System Link Equation -- Uplink Power Budget Calculation -- Downlink Budget Power Calculation -- Overall Link Budget Calculations -- 15.14.Satellite Radio Navigation -- 16.Data Communication -- 16.1.Introduction -- 16.2.Architecture, Protocols, and Standards -- Architecture -- Protocols -- Data Communication Standards -- 16.3.Data Communication Circuits -- Types of Transmission -- 16.4.Circuit Configuration -- 16.5.Communications Channels -- 16.6.Transmission Modes -- Simplex Mode -- Half Duplex Mode -- Full Duplex -- Full/Full Duplex -- 16.7.Data Communication Codes -- Character Coding Techniques -- Morse Code -- Baudot Code -- Binary Coded Decimal -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange -- Extended ASCII Code -- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) -- Unicode -- Bar Codes -- Code 39 -- Extended Code 39 -- Universal Product Code -- 16.8.Error Control -- 16.9.Error Detection -- Exact Count Encoding -- Echoplex -- Redundancy Checking -- 16.10.Error Correction -- Retransmission -- Forward Error Correction -- Hamming Code -- Hamming Distance -- Hamming Weight -- 16.11.Character Synchronization -- Clock Synchronization -- Carrier (Modem) Synchronization -- Message Synchronization -- Character Synchronization -- 16.12.Asynchronous Serial Data -- 16.13.Synchronous Serial Data -- 16.14.Line Control Unit -- 16.15.Serial Interface -- 16.16.RS232C Serial Interface Standards -- RS232C Functional Description -- 16.17.Data Communication Hardware -- Data Terminal Equipment -- Data Communication Equipment -- 16.18.Link-Oriented Protocol -- Poll/Select -- Enquiry Acknowledgement -- 16.19.Asynchronous Data Link Protocol -- XMODEM -- YMODEM -- ZMODEM -- KERMIT -- 16.20.Open Systems Interconnect Model -- Physical Layer -- Data Link Layer -- Network Layer -- Communications Subnet -- Transport Layer -- End-to-end Layers -- Session Layer -- Presentation Layer -- Application Layer -- 16.21.Standards Organization -- International Standards Organization -- International Telecommunication Union -- American National Standards Institute -- Telecommunication Industry Association -- Electronic Industry Association -- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -- Internet Architecture Board -- Internet Engineering Task Force -- Internet Research Task Force -- 17.Data Communication Equipment -- 17.1.Introduction -- 17.2.Modem, Channel Service Unit, and Digital Service Unit -- Digital Service Unit -- Channel Service Unit -- Modems -- 17.3.Voice Band Modems -- 17.4.Classification of Voice Band Modems -- Asynchronous Voice Band Modems -- Synchronous Voice Band Modems -- 17.5.Broadband Modem -- 17.6.Modem Synchronization -- 18.Television and Radar -- 18.1.History -- 18.2.Basic TV System and Scanning Principles -- Principle --
Formatted contents note Note continued: Scanning Process -- 18.3.Scanning -- Horizontal Scanning -- Vertical Scanning -- Consideration for Number of Scanning Lines -- Horizontal Resolution and Video Bandwidth -- Interlaced Scanning -- 18.4.Composite Video Signal -- DC Components of Video Signal -- Blanking Pulses -- Synchronization Pulses and Video Amplitude Ratio -- Horizontal Synchronization Pulses -- Vertical Synchronization Pulse -- Equalizing Pulses -- 18.5.Channel Bandwidth -- 18.6.Vestigial Sideband Transmission -- 18.7.Complete Channel Bandwidth -- 18.8.Reception of VSB Signal -- 18.9.TV Camera Tubes -- TV Camera Pick-ups -- Types of Pick-up Cameras -- Charged Coupled Image Sensors -- 18.10.Picture Tube -- Monochrome Picture Tubes -- Elements of Picture Tube -- 18.11.Television Transmitter -- 18.12.TV Receiver -- 18.13.Effect of Noise -- Effect of Noise Interference on Picture Signal -- Effect of Noise Interference on Synchronization -- 18.14.Peak Power Available from Transmitter -- 18.15.Use of AGC Circuits in the Receiver -- 18.16.Sound Signal Transmission -- 18.17.Preference of FM Over AM in Sound Transmission -- 18.18.Merits of Frequency Modulation -- 18.19.Antenna System -- 18.20.Transmission Line -- 18.21.Colour Television -- Hue, Saturation, and Luminance -- Luminance and Colour Signal Generation -- Compatibility -- Colour TV Camera -- The Luminance Signal -- Y Signal Matrix -- Colour Difference Voltage -- Colour Burst Signal -- Bandwidth of Colour Difference Signal -- Chrominance Signal Generation -- Colour TV Display Tubes -- Generation of Colour Raster -- Colour TV Transmitter -- Colour TV Receiver -- Colour TV Standards -- 18.22.Introduction to Radar -- Simple Form of the Radar Equation -- Block Diagram of Radar -- CW Radar -- Frequency Modulated CW Radar -- 19.Spread Spectrum Modulation -- 19.1.Introduction -- 19.2.Concept of Frequency Hopping -- 19.3.Techniques -- 19.4.Types of Spread Spectrum -- Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum -- Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Coherent Binary PSK -- Direct Sequencing -- Transmitter Architecture -- Analysis of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals -- 19.5.Error Rate Performance of the Decoder -- 19.6.Processing Gain and Performance -- 19.7.Pseudo-Noise Sequences -- Properties of PN Sequence -- 19.8.Spreading Codes -- Simple Shift Register Generator -- Maximum Length Sequence -- Gold Codes -- Kasami Sequences -- Barker Code -- Hadamard Walsh Codes -- 19.9.Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum -- Types of Frequency Hopping -- Frequency Hopping with Diversity -- Processing Gain for FH System -- Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in an A WGN Channel -- Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in Partial Band Interference -- CDMA System Based on Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum Signals -- 19.10.Synchronization of Spread Signal Systems -- Acquisition Phase (Coarse Synchronization) -- Direct Sequence Parallel Search Acquisition -- Serial Search 840 -- Parallel Acquisition Scheme for FH Acquisition Using Matched Filters -- Serial Search Acquisition for Frequency Hopping -- Serial-Parallel Synchronization -- Tracking Phase (Fine Synchronization) -- Delayed Locked Loop -- Non-coherent Delayed Locked Loop for Tracking Direct Sequence Signals -- Tau-Dither Loop -- Tracking Method for FH Signals -- 19.11.Time Hopping (TH) Spread Spectrum System -- 19.12.Hybrid Spread Spectrum -- 19.13.Commercial Application -- 19.14.Multi-Path Channels -- 19.15.Direct Sequence vs Frequency Hopping -- 19.16.Source Coding of Speech for Wireless Communications -- Speech -- Speech Codecs.
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Computer networks
9 (RLIN) 25407
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2014-07-21AUM Main Library2014-07-21 2014-07-21 BookAUM-017932  English Collections Hall AUM Main Library621.382 C456
2014-07-21AUM Main Library2014-07-21 2014-07-21 BookAUM-017933  English Collections Hall AUM Main Library621.382 C456

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