
Reasoning with Uncertainty -- An Algorithm to Find a Perfect Map for Graphoid Structures -- An Empirical Study of the Use of the Noisy-Or Model in a Real-Life Bayesian Network -- Possibilistic Graphical Models and Compositional Models -- Bayesian Networks vs. Evidential Networks: An Application to Convoy Detection -- Approximation of Data by Decomposable Belief Models -- A Gambler’s Gain Prospects with Coherent Imprecise Previsions -- Infinite Exchangeability for Sets of Desirable Gambles -- Ergodicity Conditions for Upper Transition Operators -- An Empirical Comparison of Bayesian and Credal Set Theory for Discrete State Estimation -- On the Complexity of Non-reversible Betting Games on Many-Valued Events -- Sequential Decision Processes under Act-State Independence with Arbitrary Choice Functions -- Similarity-Based Equality with Lazy Evaluation -- Progressive Reasoning for Complex Dialogues among Agents -- Measuring Instability in Normal Residuated Logic Programs: Discarding Information -- Implementing Prioritized Merging with ASP -- An Interactive Algorithm to Deal with Inconsistencies in the Representation of Cardinal Information -- Characterization of Complete Fuzzy Preorders Defined by Archimedean t-Norms -- Rectification of Preferences in a Fuzzy Environment -- Data Analysis and Knowledge Processing -- Identification of Speakers by Name Using Belief Functions -- Constructing Multiple Frames of Discernment for Multiple Subproblems -- Conflict Interpretation in a Belief Interval Based Framework -- Evidential Data Association Filter -- Maintaining Evidential Frequent Itemsets in Case of Data Deletion -- TS-Models from Evidential Clustering -- Measuring Impact of Diversity of Classifiers on the Accuracy of Evidential Ensemble Classifiers -- Multiplication of Multinomial Subjective Opinions -- Evaluation of Information Reported: A Model in the Theory of Evidence -- Gradual Evaluation of Granules of a Fuzzy Relation: R-related Sets -- Combined Bayesian Networks and Rough-Granular Approaches for Discovery of Process Models Based on Vehicular Traffic Simulation -- On Scalability of Rough Set Methods -- Interestingness Measures for Association Rules within Groups -- Data Mining in RL-Bags -- Feature Subset Selection for Fuzzy Classification Methods -- Restricting the IDM for Classification -- Estimation of Possibility-Probability Distributions -- Bayesian Assaying of GUHA Nuggets -- Rank Correlation Coefficient Correction by Removing Worst Cases -- Probabilistic Relational Learning for Medical Diagnosis Based on Ion Mobility Spectrometry -- Automated Gaussian Smoothing and Peak Detection Based on Repeated Averaging and Properties of a Spectrum’s Curvature -- Uncertainty Interval Expression of Measurement: Possibility Maximum Specificity versus Probability Maximum Entropy Principles -- Lazy Induction of Descriptions Using Two Fuzzy Versions of the Rand Index -- Fuzzy Clustering-Based Filter -- Fuzzy Classification of Nonconvex Data-Inherent Structures -- Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier Training with Small Data Sets -- Temporal Linguistic Summaries of Time Series Using Fuzzy Logic -- A Comparison of Five Fuzzy Rand Indices -- Identifying the Risk of Attribute Disclosure by Mining Fuzzy Rules -- Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic -- Explicit Descriptions of Associative Sugeno Integrals -- Continuity of Choquet Integrals of Supermodular Capacities -- Inclusion-Exclusion Integral and Its Application to Subjective Video Quality Estimation -- Fuzzy Measure Spaces Generated by Fuzzy Sets -- Absolute Continuity of Monotone Measure and Convergence in Measure -- An Axiomatic Approach to Fuzzy Measures Like Set Cardinality for Finite Fuzzy Sets -- Choquet-Integral-Based Evaluations by Fuzzy Rules: Methods for Developing Fuzzy Rule Tables on the Basis of Weights and Interaction Degrees -- On a New Class of Implications in Fuzzy Logic -- Diagrams of Fuzzy Orderings -- Fuzzy Relation Equations in Semilinear Spaces -- Adaptive Rule Based-Reasoning by Qualitative Analysis -- Fuzzy Regions: Adding Subregions and the Impact on Surface and Distance Calculation -- On Liu’s Inference Rules for Fuzzy Inference Systems -- A New Approach to the Distances between Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets -- Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Contractive Fuzzy Negations -- Trust Propagation Based on Group Opinion -- Application of IF-Sets to Modeling of Lip Shapes Similarities -- A Random Set and Prototype Theory Interpretation of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets -- Hesitation Degrees as the Size of Ignorance Combined with Fuzziness -- On the Distributivity of Implication Operations over t-Representable t-Norms Generated from Strict t-Norms in Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets Theory -- Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations, Atanassov’s Operators and Decomposable Operations -- Cardinality and Entropy for Bifuzzy Sets -- Some Remarks on the Solutions to the Functional Equation I(x,y)?=?I(x,I(x,y)) for D-Operations -- On an Open Problem of U. Höhle - A Characterization of Conditionally Cancellative T-Subnorms -- Triangular Norms and Conorms on the Set of Discrete Fuzzy Numbers -- Arity-Monotonic Extended Aggregation Operators -- Some Properties of Multi–argument Distances and Fermat Multidistance -- Mixture Utility in General Insurance -- Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the Optimization of the Flame Position in Coal-Fired Utility Steam Generators -- Measurement of Ground-Neutral Currents in Three Phase Transformers Using a Genetically Evolved Shaping Filter -- A Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Granularity Learning in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems for Highly Imbalanced Data-Sets -- Learning of Fuzzy Rule-Based Meta-schedulers for Grid Computing with Differential Evolution.

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, held in Dortmund, Germany, in June 2010.

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