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Evolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing III

by Zgurovsky, Mikhail Z.
Authors: Kasyanov, Pavlo O.%author. | Kapustyan, Oleksiy V.%author. | Valero, José.%author. | Zadoianchuk, Nina V.%author. | SpringerLink (Online service) Series: Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, 1571-8689 ; . 27 Physical details: XLI, 330 p. 27 illus. online resource. ISBN: 3642285120 Subject(s): Mathematics. | Chemistry, Physical organic. | Physical geography. | Physics. | Engineering. | Hydraulic engineering. | Mathematics. | Applications of Mathematics. | Geophysics and Environmental Physics. | Geophysics/Geodesy. | Engineering Fluid Dynamics. | Physical Chemistry. | Complexity.
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E-Book E-Book AUM Main Library 519 (Browse Shelf) Not for loan

Introduction: Long-time Behaviour of Evolution Inclusions Solutions in Earth Data Analysis -- Part I Long-time Behaviour of Autonomous Differential-Operator Systems Solutions for Earth Data Processing: Abstract Theory of Multivalued Semiflows -- Auxiliary Properties of Evolution Inclusions Solutions for Earth Data Processing -- Attractors for Lattice Dynamical Systems -- Part II Long-time Behaviour of Nonautonomous Differential-Operator Systems Solutions for Earth Data Processing: On Global Attractors of Multivalued Semiprocesses and Nonautonomous Evolution Inclusions -- On the Kneser Property for the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation and the Lotka-Volterra System with Diffusion -- Pullback Attractors for a Class of Extremal Solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes System -- Properties of Resolving Operator for Nonautonomous Evolution Inclusions: Pullback Attractors -- Functional Spaces. The Embedding and Approximation Theorems.

In this sequel to two earlier volumes, the authors now focus on the long-time behavior of evolution inclusions, based on the theory of extremal solutions to differential-operator problems. This approach is used to solve problems in climate research, geophysics, aerohydrodynamics, chemical kinetics or fluid dynamics. As in the previous volumes, the authors present a toolbox of mathematical equations. The book is based on seminars and lecture courses on multi-valued and non-linear analysis and their geophysical application.

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