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Synchronization and Triggering: from Fracture to Earthquake Processes

by Rubeis, Valerio.
Authors: Czechowski, Zbigniew.%editor. | Teisseyre, Roman.%editor. | SpringerLink (Online service) Series: Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2190-5193 Physical details: XVI, 364 p. online resource. ISBN: 3642123007 Subject(s): Geography. | Physical geography. | Earth Sciences. | Geophysics/Geodesy. | Classical Continuum Physics. | Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.
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E-Book E-Book AUM Main Library 550 (Browse Shelf) Not for loan

Theoretical studies -- Nonlinear Dynamics as a Tool for Revealing Synchronization and Ordering in Geophysical Time Series: Application to Caucasus Seismicity -- Models of Stick-Slip Motion: Impact of Periodic Forcing -- Shear Oscillations, Rotations and Interactions in Asymmetric Continuum -- Processes in Micro-Fracture Continuum -- On a Simple Stochastic Cellular Automaton with Avalanches: Simulation and Analytical Results -- Ito Equations as Macroscopic Stochastic Models of Geophysical Phenomena – Construction of the Models on the Basis of Time Series -- The Importance of Privilege for the Appearance of Long-Tail Distributions -- Laboratory experiments -- Triggering and Synchronization of Stick-Slip: Experiments on Spring-Slider System -- Oscillating Load-Induced Acoustic Emission in Laboratory Experiment -- Acoustic Emission Dynamics Initiated by Fluid Infusion on Laboratory Scale -- Acoustic Emission Spectra Classification from Rock Samples of Etna Basalt in Deformation-Decompression Laboratory Experiments -- Phase-Shifted Fields: Some Experimental Evidence -- Field observations -- Periodical Oscillations of Microseisms before the Sumatra Earthquake of December 26, 2004 -- Synchronizations of Microseismic Oscillations as the Indicators of the Instability of a Seismically Active Region -- Multifractal Parameters of Low-Frequency Microseisms -- Changes in Dynamics of Seismic Processes Around Enguri High Dam Reservoir Induced by Periodic Variation of Water Level -- Earthquakes’ Signatures in Dynamics of Water Level Variations in Boreholes -- Detecting Quasi-Harmonic Factors Synchronizing Relaxation Processes: Application to Seismology -- Stacked Analysis of Earthquake Sequences: Statistical Space–Time Definition of Clustering and Omori Law Behavior -- Dynamical Changes Induced by Strong Electromagnetic Discharges in Earthquakes’ Waiting Time Distribution at the Bishkek Test Area (Central Asia).

This monograph contains experimental and theoretical considerations on synchronization and triggering in laboratory fracture experiments and in earthquake processes. Non-linear dynamics and the physics of rotational motions reveal such ordering in geophysical processes and observed time series. Presented experiments with electromagnetic and mechanical forcing show synchronization of the slip instabilities observed as acoustic burst emissions. New observational results, based on a net of broadband seismic stations, indicate the hidden periodicities and multiple coherence effects in the low frequency microseismic oscillations observed tens of hours before the earthquakes. These results are supported by observational evidence on synchronization between shear oscillations and rotation motions in microseismic fields before earthquakes occur.

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